Wellness for Caregivers and Individuals living with illness.
Are you living with illness? Are you a caregiver, a SAHM, or a WAHM working from home?
If you are an Entrepreneur, WAHM, Independent Contractor, I bet you do more than one job to keep your business going. I bet you do more than one job on any giving day!
Guess what – you are not alone!
In fact, I bet you find it more difficult to work for yourself than to work for someone else. And even more difficult if you are working from home than working in an office.
Working at home is not for the faint of heart! You must be well disciplined if you are going to get anything done. There are so many more distractions for you to manage at home - especially if you are a Mom, Wife, or Daughter caring for family members. You might find your home the last place that you can get work done. But there are tips and tricks you can do to maximize your work productivity at home.
First- start at a normal hour, take a shower, and dress as if you are going to the office. Create an office where you can LITERALLY shut the door and set office hours so you can eliminate the temptation to clean the bathrooms or do the laundry!
Next - be mindful of taking breaks throughout the day. When working at home, you can get so caught up in doing the work and building your business that you neglect your health.
When you’re overwhelmed with the all that you do and all the different hats you wear as an entrepreneur - it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose focus and as a result- neglect yourself.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. There are several things we can do to make sure we are taking better care of ourselves.

My name is Kelly and I founded Beyond Your Limits Inclusive Fitness and Recreation. I offer fitness classes and recreational programs in non-traditional facilities. I also host online classes in order reach as many people as possible.
Classes and workshops are for people of ALL AGES AND ALL ABILITIES and really teach clients how to find time and passion for fitness; something that can be really difficult for people who have busy challenging lives trying to manage work and family.
I want to give you every opportunity to get active and healthy!!

In your business and your life
As women, we tend to put our health last.
As business owners, independent contractors, or whatever your role is, we cannot AFFORD to put our health last because there is
Making health a priority is VITAL not only for your own sake but for the sake of your business

Workplace Wellness for Entrepreneurs, and WAHMs
Fitness and Movement don't have to be ALL OR NOTHING. You don't have to workout for hours at a time to get benefits.
There is a recent study which proves that if you move five minutes for every hour that you are sitting or sedentary, you gain MULTIPLE health benefits such as:
Decrease Blood Pressure
Decrease BAD cholesterol
Increase GOOD cholesterol
Improve blood sugar levels
Increase Productivity
Decrease Stress
Create a better Work / Life Balance
Check out this interview about using exercise "productively" throughout the day and improves your overall health!
So, here's the deal - I have Drums Alive CLasses ALL YEAR but I know that it is unrealistic for so many people both in time and money to get to these classes. So, In order to make this affordable and accessible, I have created two online version of the class.
One Hit Wonders
Single Songs
Single songs (3-5 minutes each)
Unlike a full class (45 minutes), these songs can TRULY fit in pockets of your day an you can choose your favorites and do them multiple times a day
Using Drums Alive songs are a PERFECT way to move for five minutes every hour throughout the day to ensure you are getting both the cardio and cognitive benefits of misuc and movvement.
All online classes start Mar 4, 2019
Drums Alive Full Classes
Full Classes
1 class (45 minutes) each week
(4) 12 week sessions
The classes are recorded so you are able to take the class on your own schedule (first thing in the morning or right before you go to bed or whenever it works) and it won't interfere with your plans.
All online classes start Mar 4, 2019
Not familiar with Drums Alive - Check out the Founder Carrie Akins from a Music Conference

Cart goes live Sunday March 3, 2019
You can choose which option works best for you.
You will have access to the recorded classes or singles for a full year
You will also receive my WELLNESS WEDNESDAY Newsletter focusing on Entrepreneurs and WAHMs
52 weeks of recipes catered to your diet preferences
Are you ready to get started?
It is time for you take action - REGISTER NOW
and start creating a stronger, healthier, more productive you!
You May be wondering WHY I would make such an offer at such low prices!
What you may not know about me is that MY MISSION is to help get as many people out of INACTIVITY as I can!
I truly believe that being physically active and socially connected to others is the elixir of life.
I know from first-hand experience what it feels like to struggle with physical activity and health concerns. So if there is any way I can help you lead a stronger, healthier lifestyle then I am going to do it!
I’m so excited for this Workplace Wellness Offer and can’t wait to get started with you!!
Cart goes live Sunday March 3, 2019
After you register, please share this link with anyone you think would benefit from this program:
Work at Home Moms or Dads or Grandparents or Caregivers who may not have time to get to the gym,
Anyone new to fitness that may want to ease into a program before jumping into a gym setting
People living with chronic illness, chronic pain, or disability working at home
Someone who would like to get a great deal on a great fitness program.
Just make sure you get your spot first...

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